*The tongue is large, color is pale with shinny moist white coating; this indicates spleen and kidney yang deficiency.The
yang warm tonic herbs will be the best; she should avoid cold food and drinks. Herbal moxa also effective in this case.
*This tongue also appears in larger shape with teeth marks on sides; indicates Qi (energy) deficiency.

*This tongue coated thick and dry white fur, indicating the person is in damp and heat condition.
*This person was showing very tired and irritable.
*Treatment will be offer eliminating damp/heat herbs. Acupuncture and cupping should be performed.

*It is a very clear picture that her tongue is showing peeling on the front part but coating on the middle and back part of
the tongue.
*This lady was unable to sleep for weeks, very emotional and had a sore and red eyes. This is what we called heart and liver
in fire. Heart is fire organ in 5 elements and liver is the wood organ. The fire will be stronger if you keep adding the woods
into the fire.
This is so called geography tongue. The lady had suffered irritable bowl syndrome for more then 10 years. When she was in
high school, she was skipping meals and had many absences because cramping tummy.

He was on fire. This is another form of geography tongue, but much severe than the last one. He had too much hot and spicy
food. Plus he was working more than 16 hours every day for weeks. For a young age man, he needs 7-9 hours sleep a day.
*She started her own business recently. She worked very hard and long hours. She is totally exhausted.
*Her tongue has a circle of teeth marks, which indicated the Qi deficiency or short of breath. Her eye-bag is so dark showed
she did not had a good- sleep for weeks.

Strong Damp and Heat case. Need to quit smoking and alcohol, and use herbs to clean up internal toxic. Which he never can
quench the thirst although he drinking all day long. That is the tipical Damp/Heat condition.
This 13yo boy came to the Health Expo with his Mum and had this cupping down on his back. As showed some very dark spots from
the cupping, Min suggested his Mum take him to the clinic, but they didn't show. Sadly, those toxic was remaining in his body
and flared up into a badly flu, temperature and pneumonia in just a week time.