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Sami's Story
Dear Min,
Just a note of thank you for the treatment I received from you early last year.  I am now almost 32 weeks pregnant and there is no doubt in my mind or my husband's that it is due to your unique treatment.  I still remember the day I came to see you and the hopelessness I was feeling after being told that IVF was the only chance of us falling pregnant and that I only had a short window of opportunity for it to be successful.  You did not agree with the diagnosis and believed that my diet was the main cause of infertility.  It was hard to believe that something like this could affect one so badly as my diet is quite good compared to most people I know, however I could still relate to what you were suggesting because I conquered with the symptoms, unlike what the fertility doctor suggested I was suffering from I did not show the symptoms.  After approximately three months treatment of changing my diet, chinese herbs, acupuncture and magnetic treatment to our amazement I was pregnant.  You were determined that you could make this happen and avoid the need for IVF treatment which we were due to begin in a few weeks from when I discovered I was pregnant.  You managed to save us from the financial and emotional stress that lay ahead of us.  I am so glad that I researched fibroids on the internet that day which lead me to acupuncture and then to you.  My body did not have the right conditions for me to become pregnant or to carry a child and therefore even IVF would have been unsuccessful.  Thank you for our precious little gift.  You have converted  my husband to believing in alternative medicines and even the fertility doctor said we had beaten the odds.  Thanks Min, you have become a very special part of our life.
Sami Bxxxx (age 37)

Felt pregnant naturally after 8yrs no period

I am 35 in 2006. I was started my menstruation when I was in high school. I never forgot how painful I was and like flooding every time.  About eight years ago, it was spotting for months, and finally the period stopped and not come back. First I was blame my stressful working life and doctor put me in stress tablets. My situation no better. Then doctor put me in estrogen treatment and tell me  in contraceptive pills continually for my rest of life.
I have married three years and want to start a family. I tried to stop the pills. I don't have my natural period and nor ovulation. I had endometriosis clean up. Nothing is happen.  I borrowed my sister's eggs but failed IVF twice. All those drug and hormone treatments made me felt craze.
In the last resort to come to see Min. She first notice there are many big cut off spots on my tongue. That was indicated the possibility of endometriosis grow into my intestines. Gone through months of infrared and acupuncture treatments, using Chinese medical herbs and USANA supplements, I got first time in my life tested positive ovulation and a natural period 14 days after the ovulation. My period then come spot on time. I am looking forward further good news. (Dated 9/9/06).
I am pregnant (28th March 2007)! Since I have no trouble of ovulation, IVF treatment become use my own egg but fertilised externally. For the last four months, I have taken these procedures to secure the fertilised eggs transfer back to my uterus. But my body seems not accept them and they all failed. Min had check out again and again and suggested that I should try naturally. Since early March, she use herbs to help my uterus keep in warm condition. In only four weeks, I have successfully felt pregnant. I am very happy and am like to share my happiness with all of you.
Fertility succeed at once

A young couple married for three years and looking forward to have a family. They both healthy according the doctors and gynaecological examinations. They had try every possible tests and treatment including naturopath and three IVF programs, but still no luck.

By a chance to come to see Min for her stressful neck, she got found out that her stomach acid is way too high, which is possible affecting the sperms activity and
fertilized egg development. The day she came was the 4th days after her 4th IVF implant, she felt The chance to get pregnant was unlikely happen. Min's herbs and advises instantly lower down her acid level. With her cooperation, she succeeds at once.

After four miscarriages
She is a Fijian and was working as a flight attendant. She had a 5 years old healthy boy. She wants more children but had four miscarriages after the first child. That was her 5th pregnancy and She was 5 weeks pregnant in November 1998. But "there seems no luck to keep this one" telling her again her specialist. She was very disappointed and very stressed.

A dream changed her life: "you have Chinese blood, go to see a Chinese doctor!" Wake up in the morning, she looks up the Yellow Pages and found that Min was the Chinese doctor in the area.

She was chilling cold (November, Brisbane) and wrap herself in warm coats. Soon Min found out her stories, she got offered 2 scoops herbal powder and drink down with warm water. 20 minutes later, she start throwing off clothes. By the time she left Min's clinic, she felt not cold anymore. She has given a bottle of herbs and take it three times daily.

Back to the specialist later in the week, the specialist was first time showing her that her baby's pause is strongly jumping on the monitor! She had two more healthy children since.

Inducing labour
This was Mrs.S first pregnancy and it has gone past the due date for three days. In the last two weeks, she had three false alarms; she has stayed in hospital over night for three nights, but nothing happens. She heard about acupuncture help inducing labour and was willing to have a go.

Her tongue looked very red with dry yellow coating in her first consultation with Min. Her pulse was rapid and all over the place. She talks a lot and likes to make jokes . This is the typical excessive Yang condition. Min first needled on her liver and stomach meridians(on feet) to release the toxins from her body and to calm her down. Then patient education is necessary that she needs to concentrate for the treatment purposes and to exercise hard for her breathing. The next step was needling her 'Ren channel'; (central line of abdomen). That made her baby very active. Now what we need is a bit of contraction, which the ear points of uterus are used. Straight away, she felt a deep contraction, comes and goes continued for 15 minutes.

Time is for her to go home. The contraction was settled down after she back home. But she has been given a pair of ear point dots from Min that she needs to use them to stimulate her uterus muscle continue to work hard. 30 hours after the acupuncture, she had given birth for an eight pound healthy boy.

Postal Natal Depression


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