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Diabetic Type II Insulin Independence


Grand-Ma 75 of age and had diagnosed in type II Diabetic for >40 years. Doctor said this may relate to her hereditary, but none of her Chinese relative has such problem. She came from a working class family and was work hard to bring up her 3 children. She was a medium size lady when her family migrant to Australia 25 years ago.


Life is getting easier and better. Children are grown up and have their own family. Being having Chinese restaurants, her children bring in much nice food and she certainly opens her appetite and enjoys her sit-back life sine came to Australia.


Soon she starts putting on weight, more and more. Bone gets softer and softer, she just blain the hard life cause her arthritis in the pass. The unstoppable weight gain made so much stress to her legs, veins, and her knees turned in to an “x”. Her out of control eating plus the menopause finally became high blood pressure, and she was diagnosed Diabetic II.


She is then, found she cannot do much, cannot exercise, and has no wisdom to reduce her weight. The last 20 years, she has taking many medications, from tablets to insulin injection to try to control her diabetic. Medication is escalating, but her weight and sugar level also going up.


“I am too old to fight the diabetic now; it is too late to do any thing, could you just help me heal the ulcer spots in my legs please?” That was what she ask when Min first makes her home call to see her. She has several ulcer spots in both of her legs, red and swollen, weeping, pussy and smelly at that time of visit.


These are not so simple to treat just externally. The cause is her diabetic! Her blood sugar test was so high between 16 and 22 while she was taking twice insulin injection (23mg in morning and 16mg in evening). Min has spent a lot of time explaining her situation, ask her food intake dairy and other activities all recorded for every day, while use laser for her wounds. The next visits, Min will check her dairy, annalist the food she had and educate her what should she eat what should not be eat. She was not so behaved in the beginning and she does not want to miss the nice food that her daughters made. Min tells all her family not to feed Grand-Ma with the wrong food.


 Weeks on personal and family education, plus the treatments on her ulcer, Grand-Ma start losing the symptoms of high blood sugar, her daughter made her a specialist appointment to discuss with her specialist for reduction of insulin, she then spent four days in the hospital observation, the specialist agreed, that her insulin could be just 4mg, in one injection a day. Grand-Ma feels much clear in her head and her ulcer spots had healed nicely. If she carrying on the same principle of diet, and increase her activity, she will, further reverse her diabetic situation.


Diabetic Mostlikely, diabetic comes from the bad diet and lazy lifestyle. It took years to built up and it takes a strong will power to reverse it. However, no matter how old you are, it is reversible if you do it right. If G-Ma can do it, YOU CAN DO IT TOO!.

Medication withdrawal

Adrianna is 64, she has been taking five different drugs since she had her last child at age 27. These were 2 tablets a day for thyroid, 4 for depression, 3 for fluid, 3 for high suger and 2 for cholesterol. She was feeling tired, bloatted and dizzyness.

It was the end of September, as a contrator of post delivery, she can't afford to get sick in Christmas rushing time. She was very hard to coping work. Min has found that the diferent medication is comfused her system. Min first helps her with suplements and herbs to support and balance her body to handle the medication withdrawal. Follow with acupuncture and moxabition to help her with better circulation. In the same time, Min help her design which medicine to withdraw at that time and how to withdraw. With the treatment above, Adrianna sucessfully came off the medications one after the other. She doesn't feel as tired. She has energy to run her business better then ever before.

All these, just happened in five weeks. She is now only taking 1 tablet for the cholestron and 1 for the stress. These and some suplements are also on the way out. She coped very well.

Acupuncture helps people recover from drugs and alcohol problems. It is used in clinics through the United States. Acupuncture can decrease cravings for drugs and alcohol, reduce withdrawal symptoms, relieve tension, and help people relax.

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