On age 48, Mrs.H had diagnosed in Osteoporoses and L4 and L5 height has reduced >20%. In Year 2000, her bone
density on lumber spine was 0.843, Y 2003 down to 0.805. Doctor started her in Fosmax, then Y 2005 back up to 0.828. Not very
long after her test, she was feeling very tired all the time and decided took a long break travelling around Australia
and continue on Fosmax treatment. Half way on her journey, in Year 2006 she took a bone density test, it was gone down to
0.794. Two years later, they come back and settle down in Brisbane
again. She was feeling unable to do any work, by standing a few hours cafe work, she had enough for the rest of the day. She
doesn’t realise that the poor bone condition had claimed so much of her energy.
Came to see Min 10 months ago, Min did not just treat her condition but also educate her with a combination
of diet, nutrition, lifestyle, supplements and medications, as well as DYO posture adjustment everyday. She was taken twice
a week infrared and acupuncture treatment in the beginning for about 6 weeks, then once a week for another 6 weeks. Her spinal
condition had noticeable changes and so is her energy felt so much better as short as only in 3 months. Because her work experiences
and positive work attitude, she got promoted to a store manager and work full time. She handled the full time job right through
and her back has not been a trouble.
On Jan. 2009 bone scanning, her bone density is come back up to 0.823, even her scoliosis has got straighter.
It is still not great, but considering her bone density was lower and lower each year, considering her age, considering her
workload, considering she has never take any hormone replacement, Mrs.H is quite happy with her progress, and felling stronger
and the pain free result.